Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Game Discussion: Life Is Strange Episode 3 (Chaos Theory) SPOILERS!!!

WARNING: SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 1, 2 & 3 OF LIFE IS STRANGE as I'll be discussing the choices I made in the game and why. If you want to see a no/mild spoiler review (Click here) for episode 1 and for episode 2 (Click Here). Episode 3 review will contain spoilers (Click Here)

Once again this being a game of choices and how it effects the past, present and future I will also talk about the continuation of my choices in the previous episode and how it effects my gameplay. If you want to check out the choices I made in episode 1 (Click here) & episode 2 (Click Here) .

Major Choices

1) Leave the money 

I love the mission where we go around the school in the middle of the night! As i mentioned in my review its my favorite chapter to replay. Both in the school in the swimming pool are probably my most replayed chapter in the whole game.

Also can I just add how much I love the part where we rewind and open the poor door that Chloe was harassing! HAHA!
Important choice #1 - Important choices - Episode 3: Chaos Theory - Life is Strange - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Yes Chloe that handicap money does look shady but we don't want to get into more trouble not to mention leave our mark for the cops to come. So be a good person and choose to leave the money (and prey that Chloe didn't sneak back to seal the cozy chair)

2) Kiss Chloe

Important choice #2 - Important choices - Episode 3: Chaos Theory - Life is Strange - Game Guide and Walkthrough 
OMG THIS CHOICE!! OK so my gut tells me to Kiss her but my heart ships Max with Warren so I kid you not I message like 5 friends to ask WTH do I do!!

Once all of them say KISS HER  i hit the left button and BOO YAH it was hella cute and Chloe's reaction was priceless!!! xD

3) Side with David

My least favorite mission was to find those DAMN EGGS! But i did have fun snooping around David's garage. 

Important choice #3 - Important choices - Episode 3: Chaos Theory - Life is Strange - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Ok so i know people will be like 'WHY DO YOU SIDE WITH THE CREEPY ABUSIVE STEP *INSERT MEAN WORD HERE*' and here is my reason:

-I want to keep him on my side to get more infomation from him.
-He is a red herring on Rachael's disappearance and on Kate's suicide attempt and once again he has information we might need to crack the case.
-As much as I love Chloe, she was acting out a bit too much to my liking and as Max say we have no proof on David.
-I don't want to hurt Joyce
-to piss off an already piss off Chloe (ok that was a joke but that literally was the consequence)

4) Throw in the parking lot

I mentioned in my review that I love the puzzle to get Frank's keys as we not only get to know more about both Frank and Nathan but we also get to EFF up their brains (along with the cop) and rewind like nothing ever happened.

Also I might have had a little fun pouring beans all over Frank

Important choice #4 - Important choices - Episode 3: Chaos Theory - Life is Strange - Game Guide and Walkthrough
Um yah cause we are good people and don't want to hurt a Dog who did nothing (yet) to us. Also we don't want to piss off Frank AND I'm a dog person. 

5) Chloe have the gun
So my Chloe has David's gun as I tried to shoot Frank in episode 2 so I didn't get the keep/leave gun option in Frank's RV.

Minor Choices

1) Lisa is alive
Haha don't know how I manage to keep Lisa alive considering I'm the worst at keeping plants alive in reality. Now we have Kate's bunny so I wonder what's gonna happen to the poor thing under my care.

2) "Helped" Warren with his exam
Decision #2 - Decisions - Episode 3: Chaos Theory - Life is Strange - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Not so sure how this is gonna bite me in future episode but we need to help him keep his 4.0 GPA . Also cause I helped him in episode 2 he got an A- (which I changed to an A+)

3) You are on the Vortex Club's party list

Cause I'm suddenly bff with Courtney in episode 2 so it looks like I'm part of the vortex club

4) You erased some names from the Vortex Club party list *evil*

Decision #3 - Decisions - Episode 3: Chaos Theory - Life is Strange - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Sorry to whoever but you're not on the list *muahahaha*

5) You erased the cop's answerphone message


6)  You helped Alyssa

Oh man poor Alyssa... I wonder what happen to her when Max is not around.

7) You warned the homeless woman

Ok so is it me or does the Homeless woman know something... she reminds me of Samual and I think this might help us in the later episodes of the game.

8) Took a Photo in the Past

Optional photo reason... nuf said.

9) Left your mark on the fireplace

Okay so I don't remember what I left at the fireplace but looks like it will have consequences.

Bonus Choice


For me its FLUFFY PANCAKES ALL THE WAYYYYYYY aka my favorite breakfast food so move aside Max (and William) as I'm gonna get them all... okay I won't get them all as I'm a nice person and can't eat them all.


The choices in this game are snowballing! I can see how our actions from earlier episodes is shifting the story. For example, I stay hidden in the closet from David so because of that Chloe brings up not taking the blame of the weed.

I already finish episode 4 so I'll be discussing my choices and the game really SOON.

If you played the game and have made similar or different choices comment below and let's discuss.

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